Thursday, August 9, 2007

The Simpsons Movie Review

You'd have to be living under a rock if you haven't heard about The Simpsons! Those little yellow people have been featured everywhere and now, finally, the producers have released a film. But, after the hype of the release of the movie can it live up to the expectations?

The Laughs: The opening joke is classic Simpsons, with Homer calling everyone a "sucker" for paying to watch something that they can watch free on television. From that moment on the jokes keep on coming but the movie starts to drag after about half an hour when the jokes just don't seem to work anymore. It is easy to tell the writers are used to writing only half an hour of jokes at a time. It is a little disappointing that the first half of the film is so funny and innovative but the second half just drags along. Still, you will find yourself laughing often enough for a comedy.

The Plot: The Simpsons is knows for its over the top and sometimes quite ridiculous plots. The movie is no exception. The plot is, in my opinion, far too over the top and focuses only on the Simpsons family with the secondary characters (a normally important feature of a Simpsons episode) only making very short (if any) appearance. In defence of the writers, not everyone who see The Simpsons Movie will be a fan of the show and they probably thought that concentrating almost solely on the Simpsons family. Unforunately, they may have also disappointed die hard fans (like me!) in the process.

1. It's the Simpsons in a full length feature (finally)
2. The first half of the movie is very funny

1. The movie starts to get boring in the second half
2. The plot is just to ridiculous
3. Die hard fans will be disappointed with not seeing the regular characters for long

My Rating: 58%- Rent it at the video store unless a die hard fan

If you have any comments feel free to post them (open to anyone and everyone!)


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the submission. It was excellent. Please feel free to submit anytime.

John said...

Thanks very much for including me in the Carnival. Am looking forward to submitting more reviews when you have more carnivals!

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.